Drs. George and Hazel Hill

Drs. George and Hazel Hill
Role: President and founders, VCI

the hills


Latest sermons by this teacher

Heartbeat of Victory | Victory Churches International

In this episode, Drs. George & Hazel explain what is the main reason we add fasting to our prayers.

Next watch part 4 of Dr. George's message entitled "Advancement God's Way".

The Hills discuss Victory World Missions Mexico missions and the program is concluded with a short video about missions at Victory House Baja.

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Heartbeat of Victory | Victory Churches International

In this Heartbeat episode, the Hill's discuss the questions "How do I get clearer direction for my life?"

Next watch part 1 of Dr. George's message entitled "Prophetic Themes".

This weeks Victory World Missions topic is on Victory Churches of Asia, and the program is concluded with an interview with Dr. Al and Terry Purvis.

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