
Our orphanage in Kisumu, Kenya with our British contact information.


Heartbeat of Victory | Victory Churches International

In this episode, the Hills address the question; "I am struggling with cancer and my doctor asked me to have chemo. I believe in prayer and healing. Would I nullify my faith by taking chemo?"

A short video of a young girl that was healed of a back problem at BootCamp.

Next Dr. George begins a fresh message entitled "Advancement God's Way".

The Hills discuss Victory World Missions on set and the program closes with a video from Almora, in the Himalayas.

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Pastor Terry delivers a sermon on the steps to have Jesus Christ working in your life. Regina Victory Church Sunday Service March 24th, 2013. Services held every Sunday at the Cineplex Southland Mall Theatres at 10:00 AM. Come Join us!!!

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