
Dr Hazel Hill interviews pastors Jacques and Chantal and talk about the recent adoption of their baby girl.
Pastor Hazel Hill interviews Pastor Julie Kissick and talks about the Streets Alive Ministry in Lethbridge, AB, Canada.
Infilling of the Holy Spirit | HLVC
Pastor Lawrence Poirier teaches on receiving the Holy Spirit as God's gift to you for the empowerment you need to fulfill your purpose in life, the ministry God has called you to.
Infilling of the Holy Spirit | HLVC
Pastor Lawrence Poirier teaches on receiving the Holy Spirit as God's gift to you for the empowerment you need to fulfill your purpose in life, the ministry God has called you to.


Pastor Hazel Hill interviews Jacquie Meyer about the work that is being done through the HER Victory Ministry in Calgary, AB.
Spiritual Growth
Walking with God is a journey that begins with receiving Jesus as our Lord, which the Bible refers to as being born again. 1 Peter 2:2 says that we are to grow to a completed salvation, or as one translation says, “grow into the fullness” of the salvation experience. In this series we talk about taking the next steps to maturity.

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