Evidence | MyVictory
When you examine the inner workings of the cell, are there traces of a Creator? A big thank to you to The Discovery Institute for giving us permission to use their media. 10.19.14 www.kellystickel.com www.victorylethbridge.ca www.victorylethbridge.tv facebook: VictoryChurchLethbridge twitter: VCLethbridge
Tags: faith
Everyday Superheroes | Royal Oak Victory Church
Title: Rahab - The Protector Series: Everyday Superheroes - Part 3 Speaker: Pastor Dave Meyers Date: October 19, 2014 * Music video by Crowder performing Come As You Are. (C) 2014 sixstepsrecords/Sparrow Records
Evidence | MyVictory
What do we know about the Resurrection? When we look at the facts, do they point to Jesus rising from the dead? 10.26.14 www.kellystickel.com www.victorylethbridge.ca facebook: VictoryChurchLethbridge twitter: VCLethbridge
Tags: faith
Everyday Superheroes | Royal Oak Victory Church
Title: John Mark - The Rescuer Series: Everyday Superheroes - Part 4 Speaker: Pastor Sheldon Ball Date: October 26, 2014
An update from Agra, India with Dr. Jey Jeyaseelan Nov 2014 India
Fixing Us | MyVictory
Every marriage has conflict, but your marriage is worth fighting for. 11.02.14 www.kellystickel.com www.victorylethbridge.ca www.victorylethbridge.tv facebook: VictoryChurchLethbridge twitter: VCLethbridge
Everyday Superheroes | Royal Oak Victory Church
Title: The Forgotten Heroes of Faith Series: Everyday Superheroes - Part 5 Speaker: Pastor Dave Meyers Date: November 2, 2014
Fixing Us | MyVictory
11.09.14 www.kellystickel.com www.victorylethbridge.ca www.victorylethbridge.tv facebook: VictoryChurchLethbridge twitter: VCLethbridge
Everyday Superheroes | Royal Oak Victory Church
Title: A Tribute To The Members Of Our Armed Forces Series: Everyday Superheroes - Part 6 Speaker: Pastor Dave Meyers Date: November 9, 2014
Regina Victory Church Sunday Service November 9th, 2014. Services held every Sunday at the Cineplex Southland Mall Theatres at 10:00 AM. Come Join us!!!
Tags: general

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