
Heartbeat of Victory | Victory Churches International

In this episode, Drs. George & Hazel discuss the importance of visions and dreams.

Dr. George then begins a message entitled "Activate Your Faith, Live Your Dream".

And to close, the Hills discuss Victory World Missions with a video clip insert from Myanmar.

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Dr. George Hill | Activate Your Faith, Live Your Dream | Lethbridge 33rd and Regional Meetings 2012


Heartbeat of Victory | Victory Churches International

In this episode, Drs. George & Hazel discuss when we receive a vision or dream from God, whether it has to be fulfilled in our lifetime.

Then we go overseas to the Roman Coliseum with Dr. Hazel.

From there, watch part2 of Dr. George's message entitled "Activate Your Faith, Live Your Dream".

The Hills discuss Victory world missions and the program is brought to a close with a short video from a recent Mexico missions trip.

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A video review of the recent UK missions trip to Malawi.


Heartbeat of Victory | Victory Churches International

In this episode, Drs. George & Hazel discuss the question "I have had a number of dreams and visions that have fallen apart. Where did I miss it, and how can I ever dream, live the dream and dream again?"

Next we travel to St. Mark's Square with Dr. George. Watch part3 of Dr. George Hills message entitled "Active Your Faith, Live Your Dream".

The Hills discuss Victory world missions and the program closes with a short video from Haiti taken after the last terrible earthquake.

Visit our International website at www.victoryint.org

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In this video we take a look at the recent missions trip where Dr. Hazel Hill took a team of 26 to Haiti.
In this months world missions video, we take a look at our new christian school in Poipet, Cambodia. This project is sponsored by Not4Sale and the Victory Children's Homes Foundation.

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