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Jesus Said The Darndest Things | Royal Oak Victory Church

Jesus Said The Darndest Things | Royal Oak Victory Church
Jul 2014 - Sep 2014

Jesus Said The Darndest Things | Royal Oak Victory Church

Sermons in this series

Jesus Said The Darndest Things | Royal Oak Victory Church
Title: Jesus Said The Darndest Things - "If your hand offends you cut it off!" ~ Matt 5:30 Series: Jesus Said The Darndest Things - | Part 1 Speaker: Pastor Dave Meyers Date: July 6, 2014
Tags: faith
Jesus Said The Darndest Things | Royal Oak Victory Church
Title: Jesus Said The Darndest Things - Unless you change and become like children you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven ~ Matt 18:3 Sermon Series: Jesus Said The Darndest Things - Part 2 Speaker: Pastor Dave Meyers Date: July 14, 2014
Tags: faith
Jesus Said The Darndest Things | Royal Oak Victory Church
Title: Jesus Said The Darndest Things - John 6:53 Series: Jesus Said The Darndest Things - Part 3 Speaker: Pastor Sheldon Ball Date: July 27, 2014
Tags: faith
Jesus Said The Darndest Things | Royal Oak Victory Church
Title: Jesus Said The Darndest Things - John 6:53 Series: Jesus Said The Darndest Things - Part 3 Speaker: Pastor Sheldon Ball Date: July 27, 2014
Tags: faith
Jesus Said The Darndest Things | Royal Oak Victory Church
Title: Jesus Said The Darndest Things - Matthew 19:24 Series: Jesus Said The Darndest Things - Part 5 Speaker: Pastor Sheldon Ball Date: August 10, 2014
Tags: faith
Jesus Said The Darndest Things | Royal Oak Victory Church
Title: Jesus Said The Darndest Things ~ Mark 7:27 Series: Jesus Said The Darndest Things - Part 6 Speaker: Dr. Ron Swanson Date: August 17, 2014
Tags: faith
Jesus Said The Darndest Things | Royal Oak Victory Church
Title: Jesus Said The Darndest Things ~ Matt 20:16 Series: Jesus Said The Darndest Things - Part 7 Speaker: Pastor Dave Meyers Date: August 24, 2014
Tags: faith
Jesus Said The Darndest Things | Royal Oak Victory Church
Title: Jesus Said The Darndest Things ~ Matt 8:4 Series: Jesus Said The Darndest Things - Part 8 Speaker: Pastor Dave Meyers Date: August 31, 2014
Tags: faith
Jesus Said The Darndest Things | Royal Oak Victory Church
Title: Jesus Said The Darndest Things ~ Mark 6:37 Series: Jesus Said The Darndest Things - Part 9 Speaker: Pastor Dave Meyers Date: September 7, 2014
Tags: faith

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