
Come Visit us at Southside Victory Church in Calgary Alberta Canada. http://www.southsidevictory.ca/ Southside Victory Church Fellowship is affiliated with Victory Churches International. This dynamic family of churches was founded in Lethbridge, Alberta in 1979 under the leadership on Dr's. George and Hazel Hill. Since then our family has grown to include churches throughout Canada and church planting organization, Bible Colleges, orphanages and outreaches in more than twenty nations around the world. At Southside we are committed to impacting lives for the Kingdom of God and are active in the local church, in the city, and in the nation. Our church places a strong emphasis on equipping each and every believer to walk in the knowledge of God's Word and the power of the Holy Spirit, enabling people to succeed in their life and Christian walk.
Taking and Keeping Territory | Victory Church of Red Deer
Victory Church of Red Deer - Taking Territory Pt4 - Pastor Chuck Roth We pray that you are blessed by this message. Find out more at www.vcrd.ca
The Holy Bible | Regina Victory Church
Pastor Terry Murphy delivers a sermon on what we need to do to embrace the promises that Jesus has for us. Regina Victory Church Sunday Service June 5th, 2016. Services held every Sunday at the Cineplex Southland Mall Theatres at 10:00 AM. Come Join us!!!
God | Regina Victory Church
Pastor Terry Murphy delivers a sermon detailing the way GOD sees sin, and sinners. Regina Victory Church Sunday Service June 26th, 2016. Services held every Sunday at the Cineplex Southland Mall Theatres at 10:00 AM. Come Join us!!!
Joy - God's Will for Your Life | New Victory Church
Happiness is great, but it's shallow and circumstantial. God offers something deeper, lasting, and unaffected by circumstances.

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