Swing for the Fences | MyVictory
www.kellystickel.com www.myvictory.ca facebook: VictoryChurchLethbridge twitter: VCLethbridge
Dr. George Hill speaking at Airdrie Victory Church. Joshua 3:1 Airdrie, Alberta, Canada www.airdrievictory.com
Taking and Keeping Territory | Victory Church of Red Deer
Victory Church of Red Deer - Taking Territory Pt1 - Pastor Chuck Roth We pray that you are blessed by this message. Find out more at www.vcrd.ca
Christ-Like Lifestyles | Regina Victory Church
Pastor Terri Murphy delivers a sermon on godly qualities. Regina Victory Church Sunday Service May 8th, 2016. Services held every Sunday at the Cineplex Southland Mall Theatres at 10:00 AM. Come Join us!!!
Rowan Fraser, with Gateway Victory Church, Calgary, AB Meet with us at Woodcreek Community Centre 1991 Woodview Drive SW, Calgary, Alberta Sundays, 10:30 am Reach us at gatewayvictory.com 403.816.1684 gatewayvictory@gmail.com Follow us on FaceBook / Twitter fb.com/gatewayvictory twitter.com/gatewayvictory
Rowan Fraser, with Gateway Victory Church, Calgary, AB Meet with us at Woodcreek Community Centre 1991 Woodview Drive SW, Calgary, Alberta Sundays, 10:30 am Reach us at gatewayvictory.com 403.816.1684 gatewayvictory@gmail.com Follow us on FaceBook / Twitter fb.com/gatewayvictory twitter.com/gatewayvictory
Rowan Fraser, with Gateway Victory Church, Calgary, AB Meet with us at Woodcreek Community Centre 1991 Woodview Drive SW, Calgary, Alberta Sundays, 10:30 am Reach us at gatewayvictory.com 403.816.1684 gatewayvictory@gmail.com Follow us on FaceBook / Twitter fb.com/gatewayvictory twitter.com/gatewayvictory

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