Leadership Training 2019 | Victory Churches International
Leadership Training Series | Pastor Ning Conte talks about how to grow your church through small groups.
Leadership Training 2019 | Victory Churches International
Leadership Training 2019 | Pastor Don Delaney talks about how to develop streams of income aside from donations.
Leadership Training 2019 | Victory Churches International
Leadership Training Series | Bishop Kelsey Lewis talks about how to deal with conflict resolution.
Leadership Training 2019 | Victory Churches International
Leadership Series | Nathan and Sharon Williams talk about how to help people through abuse and addictions.
Leadership Training 2019 | Victory Churches International
Leadership Series | Pastor Brad Dewar talks about how to tweak the flow of your service.
Leadership Training 2019 | Victory Churches International
Leadership Training Series | Dr. George Hill talks about the power of a preaching series.
Leadership Training 2019 | Victory Churches International
Leadership Training Series | Pastor Charlotte Quist talks about the power of follow up. (Shutting the back door).
Leadership Training 2019 | Victory Churches International
Leadership Training Series | Pastor Dan Godard talks about how to build in-roads into your community.
Leadership Training 2019 | Victory Churches International
Leadership Training Series | Pastor Kelly Stickel talks about how to create systems that work.
Leadership Training 2019 | Victory Churches International
Leadership Training Series | Pastors Terry and Terri Murphy talk about team leading a church with your spouse.

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