
Heartbeat of Victory | Victory Churches International

In this episode, Drs. George & Hazel Hill discuss this question: "Christmas is here and I have to spend time with my in-laws who are not saved. Please give me some advice as i am worried sick about this."

Next a short video of Christmas in Rwanda.

Then a message by Dr. George entitled "The Cradle, The Cross & The Crown".

This episode closes with a Merry Christmas from Victory Churches International.

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June Victory World Missions Update - Southern Sudan


Heartbeat of Victory | Victory Churches International

In this episode of Heartbeat of Victory, the Hill's discuss how we all can make this year the best year of our lives.

Next we have part 3 of Dr. George's message entitled "Advancement God's Way".

Drs. George & Hazel discuss Victory World Missions in the country of Haiti and the program is concluded with a missions video from Haiti.

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Dr. George Hill | New Levels of Faith Opportunity and Maturity | WCVC 2013 | Grande Prairie, AB
Dr. Hazel Hill | The Race of Faith | WCVC 2012 | Edmonton, AB

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