Discipleship ~ The Road Less Travelled

Discipleship ~ The Road Less Travelled
May 2022

Sermons in this series

Discipleship ~ The Road Less Travelled
God is calling every person to a life of following Jesus Christ whole heartedly. We must allow our lives to be transformed by the power of God by renewing our thoughts & thus aligning our words & priorities with God’s Word. Many stop at the entrance of the ‘door’ of salvation. To experience all that God has planned for us requires a solid decision of allowing God’s word to enter our hearts & minds & becoming true disciples. It is a road less traveled! Download our app: https://subsplash.com/harvestlifevictorychurch/app to access or download our content Subscribe to Pastor Lawrence YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7lEMJMEMl0JlcLXVROWzTQ Thank you for helping us by clicking 'Subscribe' on our YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/ChurchHarvestLife and 'Like' on our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/hlvccoldlake/ Message us on Facebook and 'Sign Up' for emailed information updates. Check out our website @ https://www.hlvc.org for more information.
Discipleship ~ The Road Less Travelled
God is calling every person to a life of following Jesus Christ whole heartedly. We must allow our lives to be transformed by the power of God by renewing our thoughts & thus aligning our words & priorities with God’s Word. Many stop at the entrance of the ‘door’ of salvation. To experience all that God has planned for us requires a solid decision of allowing God’s word to enter our hearts & minds & becoming true disciples. It is a road less traveled! Download our app: https://subsplash.com/harvestlifevictorychurch/app to access or download our content Subscribe to Pastor Lawrence YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7lEMJMEMl0JlcLXVROWzTQ Thank you for helping us by clicking 'Subscribe' on our YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/ChurchHarvestLife and 'Like' on our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/hlvccoldlake/ Message us on Facebook and 'Sign Up' for emailed information updates. Check out our website @ https://www.hlvc.org for more information.
Discipleship ~ The Road Less Travelled
God is calling every person to a life of following Jesus Christ whole heartedly. We must allow our lives to be transformed by the power of God by renewing our thoughts & thus aligning our words & priorities with God’s Word. Many stop at the entrance of the ‘door’ of salvation. To experience all that God has planned for us requires a solid decision of allowing God’s word to enter our hearts & minds & becoming true disciples. It is a road less traveled! Download our app: https://subsplash.com/harvestlifevictorychurch/app to access or download our content Subscribe to Pastor Lawrence YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7lEMJMEMl0JlcLXVROWzTQ Thank you for helping us by clicking 'Subscribe' on our YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/ChurchHarvestLife and 'Like' on our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/hlvccoldlake/ Message us on Facebook and 'Sign Up' for emailed information updates. Check out our website @ https://www.hlvc.org for more information.

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