
More Heart, Less Attack | MyVictory
03.01.15 facebook: VictoryChurchLethbridge twitter: VCLethbridge
Livin' Large | Royal Oak Victory Church
Sermon: Livin' Large Series: Livin' Large Part 1 Speaker: Pastor Dave Meyers Date: March 1, 2015
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Pastor Terry delivers a sermon on the greatness of the Gospel. Regina Victory Church Sunday Service March 1st, 2015. Services held every Sunday at the Cineplex Southland Mall Theatres at 10:00 AM. Come Join us!!!
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Pastor Terry delivers a sermon on the principles of the Gospel. Regina Victory Church Sunday Service March 1st, 2015. Services held every Sunday at the Cineplex Southland Mall Theatres at 10:00 AM. Come Join us!!!
We Can't Stay Here | MyVictory
When we get into the presence of God, we usually want to stay where we experienced that moment. However, God never stays in one place, God is always moving. We can't stay here. 03.08.15 facebook: VictoryChurchLethbridge twitter: VCLethbridge
Livin' Large | Royal Oak Victory Church
Title: The Power of Focus Series: Livin' Large Part 2 Speaker: Pastor Dave Meyers Date: March 8, 2015
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James | Victory Church of Moose Jaw
Everyone knows that there is a clear difference between age and maturity. What does maturity look like? How do I know if I am spiritually mature? How can I become more spiritually mature? Pastor Dan answers these questions and more in this new series on the book of James.
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James | Victory Church of Moose Jaw
Pastor Dan teaches from James on the theme of developing endurance.
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James | Victory Church of Moose Jaw
Pastor Dan teaches from James on the theme of overcoming temptation.
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