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Counting the Cost
We are all called to be disciples of Jesus and to serve Him. However, there is a price to pay if you are going to walk in God’s plan for your life and there is a quality decision that must be made. In Luke 14:25-33 there was large crowd in Jesus’ meeting that were enjoying the blessings, but then Jesus turned to them and began speaking about what it means to truly follow Him. This message separates those who are following Jesus for what they can get, from those who truly love God and are willing to set aside their own plans to walk in God’s plan. Let this message encourage you to step into a deeper walk with God Download our app: to access or download our content Subscribe to Pastor Lawrence YouTube Channel: Thank you for helping us by clicking 'Subscribe' on our YouTube Channel and 'Like' on our Facebook Page Message us on Facebook and 'Sign Up' for emailed information updates. Check out our website @ for more information.
Vessels of Honour
In this series based upon 2 Timothy 2:19-21 the Apostle Paul speaks on the subject of Sanctification. God wants to work His will through the life of every believer in powerful ways to bring His blessing to others. To be sanctified means to be set apart for special use. God has His part in this process and we have our part. Learn how to prepare yourself to be used by God as you listen to this teaching. Download our app: to access or download our content Subscribe to Pastor Lawrence YouTube Channel: Thank you for helping us by clicking 'Subscribe' on our YouTube Channel and 'Like' on our Facebook Page Message us on Facebook and 'Sign Up' for emailed information updates. Check out our website @ for more information.
Month's Theme: Repositioning
Sermon at 39:30

Sunday Worship Service at Ark of Christ Victory Church.

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Counting the Cost
We are all called to be disciples of Jesus and to serve Him. However, there is a price to pay if you are going to walk in God’s plan for your life and there is a quality decision that must be made. In Luke 14:25-33 there was large crowd in Jesus’ meeting that were enjoying the blessings, but then Jesus turned to them and began speaking about what it means to truly follow Him. This message separates those who are following Jesus for what they can get, from those who truly love God and are willing to set aside their own plans to walk in God’s plan. Let this message encourage you to step into a deeper walk with God Download our app: to access or download our content Subscribe to Pastor Lawrence YouTube Channel: Thank you for helping us by clicking 'Subscribe' on our YouTube Channel and 'Like' on our Facebook Page Message us on Facebook and 'Sign Up' for emailed information updates. Check out our website @ for more information.
Vessels of Honour
In this series based upon 2 Timothy 2:19-21 the Apostle Paul speaks on the subject of Sanctification. God wants to work His will through the life of every believer in powerful ways to bring His blessing to others. To be sanctified means to be set apart for special use. God has His part in this process and we have our part. Learn how to prepare yourself to be used by God as you listen to this teaching. Download our app: to access or download our content Subscribe to Pastor Lawrence YouTube Channel: Thank you for helping us by clicking 'Subscribe' on our YouTube Channel and 'Like' on our Facebook Page Message us on Facebook and 'Sign Up' for emailed information updates. Check out our website @ for more information.
Counting the Cost
We are all called to be disciples of Jesus and to serve Him. However, there is a price to pay if you are going to walk in God’s plan for your life and there is a quality decision that must be made. In Luke 14:25-33 there was large crowd in Jesus’ meeting that were enjoying the blessings, but then Jesus turned to them and began speaking about what it means to truly follow Him. This message separates those who are following Jesus for what they can get, from those who truly love God and are willing to set aside their own plans to walk in God’s plan. Let this message encourage you to step into a deeper walk with God Download our app: to access or download our content Subscribe to Pastor Lawrence YouTube Channel: Thank you for helping us by clicking 'Subscribe' on our YouTube Channel and 'Like' on our Facebook Page Message us on Facebook and 'Sign Up' for emailed information updates. Check out our website @ for more information.
Vessels of Honour
In this series based upon 2 Timothy 2:19-21 the Apostle Paul speaks on the subject of Sanctification. God wants to work His will through the life of every believer in powerful ways to bring His blessing to others. To be sanctified means to be set apart for special use. God has His part in this process and we have our part. Learn how to prepare yourself to be used by God as you listen to this teaching. Download our app: to access or download our content Subscribe to Pastor Lawrence YouTube Channel: Thank you for helping us by clicking 'Subscribe' on our YouTube Channel and 'Like' on our Facebook Page Message us on Facebook and 'Sign Up' for emailed information updates. Check out our website @ for more information.
Vessels of Honour
In this series based upon 2 Timothy 2:19-21 the Apostle Paul speaks on the subject of Sanctification. God wants to work His will through the life of every believer in powerful ways to bring His blessing to others. To be sanctified means to be set apart for special use. God has His part in this process and we have our part. Learn how to prepare yourself to be used by God as you listen to this teaching. Download our app: to access or download our content Subscribe to Pastor Lawrence YouTube Channel: Thank you for helping us by clicking 'Subscribe' on our YouTube Channel and 'Like' on our Facebook Page Message us on Facebook and 'Sign Up' for emailed information updates. Check out our website @ for more information.

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