
The Emperor's New Clothes | MyVictory
www.kellystickel.com www.myvictory.ca facebook: VictoryChurchLethbridge twitter: VCLethbridge
Transformed | Victory Church of Red Deer
Victory Church of Red Deer - www.vcrd.ca Are you looking for a church in Red Deer Alberta? Our goal is to be a church in Red Deer that reaches as many people as possible with the message of God’s love. We walk alongside people through the good and bad times in their lives. We are always pointing them to the hope that is found in Jesus. Ultimately our desire is to build people that LOVE GOD, LOVE OTHERS, and SERVE. Victory Church of Red Deer, where everyone is welcome! Victory Church of Red Deer 98 Oberlin Ave, Red Deer, AB T4N 5A4, Canada 403-343-2484
Transformed | Victory Church of Red Deer
Victory Church of Red Deer - www.vcrd.ca Are you looking for a church in Red Deer Alberta? Our goal is to be a church in Red Deer that reaches as many people as possible with the message of God’s love. We walk alongside people through the good and bad times in their lives. We are always pointing them to the hope that is found in Jesus. Ultimately our desire is to build people that LOVE GOD, LOVE OTHERS, and SERVE. Victory Church of Red Deer, where everyone is welcome! Victory Church of Red Deer 98 Oberlin Ave, Red Deer, AB T4N 5A4, Canada 403-343-2484
& | MyVictory
We are fascinated with labels. They define and distinguish us from one another. They give a sense of belonging or separation. But do they help or hinder us? When we label one another it hurts. We focus not on what we agree on but on what we differ on. Labels like seeker sensitive OR spirit filled. Rarely are we allowed to be both. But Jesus was very clear about tearing down labels that separate relationship and create disunity. Standing with God does not mean standing against men. Discover the power of AND. Kelly Stickel My Victory Church www.kellystickel.com www.myvictory.ca facebook: VictoryChurchLethbridge twitter: VCLethbridge
Transformed | Victory Church of Red Deer
Victory Church of Red Deer - http://www.vcrd.ca Are you looking for a church in Red Deer Alberta? Our goal is to be a church in Red Deer that reaches as many people as possible with the message of God’s love. We walk alongside people through the good and bad times in their lives. We are always pointing them to the hope that is found in Jesus. Ultimately our desire is to build people that LOVE GOD, LOVE OTHERS, and SERVE. Victory Church of Red Deer, where everyone is welcome! Victory Church of Red Deer 98 Oberlin Ave, Red Deer, AB T4N 5A4, Canada 403-343-2484
Victory Church of Red Deer - http://www.vcrd.ca Are you looking for a church in Red Deer Alberta? Our goal is to be a church in Red Deer that reaches as many people as possible with the message of God’s love. We walk alongside people through the good and bad times in their lives. We are always pointing them to the hope that is found in Jesus. Ultimately our desire is to build people that LOVE GOD, LOVE OTHERS, and SERVE. Victory Church of Red Deer, where everyone is welcome! Victory Church of Red Deer 98 Oberlin Ave, Red Deer, AB T4N 5A4, Canada 403-343-2484
& | MyVictory
If we isolate ourselves from people who don't think like us how are we to reach them? Jesus said to "go into all the world" How can we go into ALL the world if we only associate with those who are like us? Jesus modelled something different. He gave grace to those honestly seeking him and truth to the self-righteous, the religious. Truth without grace leads to legalism. Grace without truth is mere tolerance. The key to true Christian spirituality is to integrate these two qualities into life, imitating the character of Christ. We need the balance of both. Grace AND truth. Kelly Stickel Lead Pastor - My Victory Church www.kellystickel.com www.myvictory.ca facebook: VictoryChurchLethbridge twitter: VCLethbridge

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