Wiii.FM | MyVictory

Wiii.FM | MyVictory
Sep 2014 - Oct 2014

Wiii.FM | MyVictory

Sermons in this series

Wiii.FM | MyVictory
What are you holding onto that is holding you back? 09.07.14 www.kellystickel.com www.victorylethbridge.ca facebook: VictoryChurchLethbridge twitter: VCLethbridge
Wiii.FM | MyVictory
Are you sacrificing what you want most for what you want now? 09.14.14 www.kellystickel.com www.victorylethbridge.ca facebook: VictoryChurchLethbridge twitter: VCLethbridge
Wiii.FM | MyVictory
Do you trust that God made you who you were meant to be? Or are you pretending to be someone else? 09.21.14 www.kellystickel.com www.victorylethbridge.ca facebook: VictoryChurchLethbridge twitter: VCLethbridge
Wiii.FM | MyVictory
Are You On God's Side? 09.28.14 www.kellystickel.com www.victorylethbridge.ca facebook: VictoryChurchLethbridge twitter: VCLethbridge
Wiii.FM | MyVictory
Blessed to be a Blessing 10.05.14 www.kellystickel.com www.victorylethbridge.ca facebook: VictoryChurchLethbridge twitter: VCLethbridge

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